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All About Him

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Drumset04, aka drum, is currently residing in the frigid north of Alaska. He enjoys spending time outdoors, doing activities like running, hiking, cycling, frolf, canoeing, skiing, etc. Drum was born and raised in Minnesota, USA, but don't expect to hear a heavy accent like in Fargo. He has been a percussionist with organized groups since 2001, and is currently playing with a community band. Currently, drum is working in landscaping/lawn service/snow removal.

"Jamin' With Drums"

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Jamin' With Drums has all types of music. The show will mostly be safe for work. Listeners will get a warning if content will become questionable, or will not be safe for work. Your DJ (drum) will also be talking about a variety of topics. Topics might include stories from drum's life, like bear/moose encounters, events going on in the kingdom, and major world news.

Requests and Donations

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Requests for the show can be send via PM or kmail to drumset04(#1180604) or
Note: Not all requests will be played due to time, flow of a show, or the DJ's mood.